It’s bizarre that Herve Leger clothing come with hanger tags, as almost any sales associate at a Herve Leger boutique advises that these items should not be on hangers. Rather, when storing long-term, these items should be either laid flat or rolled. We’ll go over several examples of how to store Herve Leger correctly.

1. If you have a big drawer or shelf 

Herve Leger fancy dresses in dresser cabinet for storage

Simply stack each one of your beauties laid flat!

2. If you have floor space 

how to store evening dresses under the bed

Stack each item laid flat one on top of the other in a garment bag.  This garment bag filled with Herve Leger goodies can then be stored under a bed, or other large flat surface.

*tip* When buying direct from the Herve Leger boutique, a Herve Leger cloth garment bag usually comes with your purchase free of charge. Sometimes, the sales associate may forget to include this, or they have run out. But, be sure to ask them for this if you would like it to be included. Typically, this garment bag will not be available when purchasing elsewhere such as Saks, Nordstrom, etc.

3. Small Drawer or Shelf 

storing dresses on a shelf

Loosely roll each Herve Leger item and place them in the small drawer or shelf.