Counterfeiter Games with a Chanel Flap Bag

There's a lot of games being played online. And, it's awful to witness it.

Here's the story of one person who tried really hard to get an authentic determination for a counterfeit Chanel bag.

First off, here are the images of the handbag.

fake replica Chanel handbag replica Chanel hardware details counterfeit Chanel made in stamp serial sticker fake hardware authentication

For authenticators, it's obvious that this is a fake handbag. It is not even a superfake.

In spite of us reassuring our confidence in the assessment of this bag, the client insisted that the bag was purchased in stores by herself. She even procured a very blurry image of a receipt and threatened to leave negative reviews and a blog post about Lollipuff.

Nonetheless, threats will not influence an authenticity assessment.

It is imperative to be cautious when shopping online for these expensive items.

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