A Big Yet Little Announcement

Today... it's not going to be about handbags, clothes or even beauty. It's about a pretty significant change...

H&M Mama maternity skinny jeans, Express top (similar here), Express cardigan (similar here)

More than 5 years since the birth of Lollipuff, my dear hubby and I are expecting the birth of our first human baby.

It seems like just yesterday when we found out, but it was 11 weeks ago! I had been a bit nauseated every morning, and aunt flow had not made her usual visit.

On a whim, we went to the store and purchased a couple pregnancy tests. Together, hubby and I nervously stared at the pee stick as it revealed its secret message. Wow! It was fast once we figured out a bubble was hindering the result. 2 dark, unmistakable pink lines. I was bewildered, and my high-school sweetheart was staring at me with the hugest smile on his face.

The first few months (I'm nearing 4 months now) were fairly rough. It was filled with serious morning sickness that worsened as the day progressed, and any liquids were difficult to drink. The exhaustion and sickness is real, and I have a serious new found respect for all the mamas out there.

Now, as we are nearing 4 months, the nausea is mild, and enjoyment and anticipation of our little daughter is constantly in my mind and heart. It's magical. How is she feeling in my tummy? Who will she be? Sweet and gentle, fearless and sassy?... whatever she will be, she will be our precious little being.

So, there you have it. Our special news is shared. Thank you for being part of my journey, a journey that has led to Lollipuff, and now to my first human baby. Wishing everyone contentment, LOVE, and happiness.

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3 years ago


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